Centre for Northern Families Daycare
The Centre for Northern Families (CNF) Daycare is licensed to serve up to twenty-two children; eight children aged eight to twenty-four months, and fourteen children aged two to five years.
The daycare provides childcare through full- and part-time registered user-pay spaces, user-pay drop-in space, and free respite spaces. User-paid drop-in and free respite are provided depending on availability.
All daycare programming is structured to build developmental assets. Topics of children’s interests explored through weekly and daily routines provide children in the daycare with activities designed to provide opportunities for developmental skill-building.
Regular use of the Nipissing Developmental Screening Tool informs teachers of areas where extra emphasis on certain activities would benefit children. Learning objectives for our program are developed based on The Early Development Instrument and associated research.
For more information about the CNF, call (867) 669-0401

Raven's Nest
The Raven's Nest opened on May 2, 2020, to help address the increasing need for childcare in Yellowknife. In October we were able to move to our permanent location, 5020 47th St. We are happy to be downtown with easy access to parents but in a quiet corner where staff can safely take walks with children.
The Raven’s Nest Daycare accommodates 16 childcare spaces (8 infant - 2 rooms of 4, and 8 toddlers) and is licensed by the Government of the Northwest Territories Department of Education, Culture, and Employment and the City of Yellowknife. It is equipped with child-sized furniture, an enclosed outdoor play area, a large common area, and individual classroom spaces.
The Raven’s Nest Daycare fits within a Family Support Model of service that acknowledges parents as the child’s first, primary, and most important teacher. With parental involvement, the program ensures each child’s first experience in a setting outside their home is culturally familiar, meets their needs, and is enjoyable.
Each child is unique. The Centre endeavors to promote children’s physical, social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development by recognizing their individuality and supporting them in a way that fairly considers their developmental level and environmental factors.
Children should have fun! Even experts agree preschool-age children learn most through play. These carefree years are so short, and soon the children will be exposed to a much more structured form of learning. The Raven's Nest Daycare is committed to an inclusive approach that is reflective of a diverse population. Developmental milestones and enrichment of the whole child is the focus of program delivery and activities are designed to strengthen all areas of development as defined by the Early Development Instrument.
For more information about the Raven's Nest Daycare, call (867) 669-5424.
Family Connections
Family Connections offers an integrated continuum of support services to women from conception and through the first six years with funding from the Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (Public Health Agency of Canada) and the Healthy Children’s Initiative (Department of Education, Culture and Employment). Our programming is structured around building parenting capacity and developmental assets.
The Early Development Index used to assess Kindergarten aged children has resulted in comprehensive research on the importance of supporting early childhood development to improve long-term outcomes.
Annual, monthly, and daily program plans ensure that each of the five areas of early development is addressed and that parents are supported to meet their children’s developmental needs.
For more information about Family Connections, call (867) 669-0401
Check out Family Connections on Facebook