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Spruce Bough

Spruce Bough opened in May 2020, when the Yellowknife Women’s Society secured possession of the former Arnica Inn. The space was quickly mobilized as a COVID-19 isolation shelter for people experiencing homelessness and at high-risk of serious illness or death if they were to contract COVID-19. Today, Spruce Bough continues to house some of the most vulnerable members of the Yellowknife community, offering permanent supportive housing - tenancy is not time limited, and there is no expectation of graduation.


Differing from transitional housing, this program offers a long-term solution for people with complex needs who cannot live independently for a variety of reasons. 

Each Spruce Bough resident has a unique life history, yet there are shared experiences of chronic homelessnes, complex and overlapping needs, and struggles with high housing costs in Yellowknife. All supports at Spruce Bough are provided using a person-centred approach, with a commitment to being compassionate, non-judgmental, and reducing potential harms. 


Managed Alcohol Program

The Managed Alcohol Program (MAP) is housed within Spruce Bough, for residents with severe alcohol dependency. The goal of the MAP is to support residents in either maintaining, reducing or abstaining from their alcohol use, depending on the individual.

Contact us to inquire about a Referral Form

The YKWS acknowledges we are located in Chief Drygeese territory. From time immemorial, it has been the traditional land of the Yellowknives Dene First Nation. We respect the histories, languages, and cultures of all Indigenous Peoples including the North Slave Métis, and all First Nations, Métis, and Inuit whose presence continues to enrich our vibrant community.

©2022 by Yellowknife Women's Society

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