Women's Centre
The Yellowknife Women’s Society has been providing shelter for women experiencing homelessness in our current location since 2004.
In December 2017, renovations were completed on the building to include 15 single-room occupancy rental units upstairs plus one private emergency room, and 8 of these rental units in the basement to serve as a transitional living space. The Yellowknife Women’s Centre now offers three tiers of housing all under one roof, located at 5610 50th Ave.
The Yellowknife Women’s Centre also houses a weekly walk-in clinic, and a food hamper program (based on availability).
The Yellowknife Women’s Centre serves adult women who:
Experience family and household violence;
Have experienced eviction and/or experience barriers in trying to access housing;
Don’t have the resources to maintain a household;
Are stranded in the community;
Experience severe mental illness, cognitive and/or physical disability;
Experience substance use or addictions issues; and
Any combination of the above.
Lack of affordable housing options, inadequate access to mental health and addictions services, inadequate access to sufficient reliable income, and barriers to employment all contribute to the complexities faced by women who access the Women’s Centre.
Emergency Shelter
The emergency shelter provides up to 11 beds per night for adult women who need a place to stay. These beds are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Women accessing the emergency shelter also have access to meals, showers, and some storage of belongings (although space is limited).
Call (867) 873-2566 to inquire about the Emergency Shelter or the single rooms for rent and other supports offered.

Single Room Occupancy
The single room occupancy units provide privacy and security for women, while at the same time allowing them to adjust to living more independently and building a positive rental record. Women can use their tenancy in these units as a stepping stone to private market or other independent housing options; at the same time, women who desire the security and support provided through communal living in our shelter are welcome to stay for as long as they may need.
Women currently staying in the emergency shelter are granted priority in accessing these rooms; however, women in precarious housing or who are homeless and staying elsewhere in the community are welcome to come to the Yellowknife Women’s Centre and explore tenancy options with staff.
Second Stage Housing
Women who are successful in their tenancy of a single room may consider applying to a second stage unit, located in the basement of the Women’s Centre. These units offer a higher level of independent living for women, while also continuing to provide some case management support as needed.